Frequently asked questions

What’s inside our drips?

Click here to view our ingredient list.

How does it work?

It’s simple! Review our offerings and simply check out online to schedule a date/location for us to meet you. Our medical director will review your selection and health questionnaire to be certain you have no contraindications to receiving one of our drips. If all checks out, one of our staff will meet you at your desired location to administer your drip.

No travel fees! Prices listed are all inclusive – no added fees ever!

What contraindications would exclude me from getting a drip?

Patients with end stage renal disease on dialysis, congestive heart failure, or uncontrolled hypertension would not qualify. If you have any concerns about whether you can utilize our services, please call us and we’d be happy to discuss.

How long does it take to have a drip?

Most drips typically take between 30-60 minutes. There are exceptions such as NAD+ drip which is done over 3-4 hours & the Immunity booster over 90 minutes.

Why have an IV drip when I can just buy vitamins?

An IV (intravenous) drip allows for delivery of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes contained in our drips directly into the bloodstream rather than having to wait for absorption to occur via the stomach over a much longer period of time. As such it’s a far more effective way to administer medications which allows for quicker absorption. As a result, you may get relief from symptoms earlier with an IV drip.

Is it safe? Are there side effects?

IV therapy is a safe and well-known method of treatment in medicine for many years. Our drips mostly contain nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes already found in our bodies. As such, complications from administering these drips are minimal and rarely occur. Should any side effects occur, our staff is well trained and equipped to care for you.

We have partnered with a PCAB accredited & 503A compliant compounding pharmacy with a state-of-the-art facility who is able to provide our patients with safer, higher-quality compounds compared to that of our competitors.

Our medical director, Dr Randolph Borrero, is a board certified Family Medicine physician. He oversees all our protocols, reviews patient candidacy, and trains our staff to ensure your health and wellness is our top priority.

Do you accept health insurance?

We do not accept insurance for payment of services.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes, offers are available for those booking multiple services on the same day at the same location – call us to discuss.

Do you do events or parties?

Absolutely - We’re always up for a party! Call to discuss how we can provide treatments to a group or party/event. We’re happy to arrange this service and provide discounted group rates to help make your event the talk of the town.