Night life vibes

Game Time

Never suffer during or after a great time. Stay hydrated before your long night out.


Vitamin infused IV bag

Feeling and looking good has never been easier.

You’re just 3 steps away! We’ll just need some information to get you booked and ready to receive treatment. Our medical director will review your selection and health questionnaire to be certain you have no contraindications. If all checks out, one of our staff will meet you at your desired location to administer your drip. Remember, there are absolutely no travel fees ever!

  • Saline solution – the component of our drips to which vitamins and antioxidants are compounded with to create our drips.  Saline is a mixture of sodium chloride (salt) and water.  On its own, used in medical treatment for rehydration.

What’s in it?

Membership Offer 15% off select products and serivces.