IV Therapy

Rope training

Revitalize Performance

High level athlete looking to support performance? Gym go-er looking to improve muscle recovery? Learn more about how to improve your energy levels and boost overall wellness.

Night life vibes

Game Time

Enjoying yourself is much easier when you’re feeling and looking your best. Get and stay hydrated before your long night out.

immunity boost

Immunity Booster

Provide your body with a special blend of hydration, antioxidants, and vitamins that can help your immune system function at its best. Ideal for the person always on the go or frequent flyer that cannot afford to be sick.

dramatic weight loss gains

Weight Loss Drip

Boost your metabolism and transport your fatty acids into the “metabolic furnace.” Provide your body with amino acids which help promote fat burning instead of storing & promote weight loss with added cardiovascular benefits.

feeling better.

Pre/Post-Op Drip

For those having surgery soon or recovering from a procedure. Helps promote faster wound healing, improve blood flow, and hydration.

Hungover cat

Hangover Cure

Long night out and didn’t hydrate well prior? Now experiencing headaches, nausea, and vomiting? Replenish your body with electrolytes and vitamins to help overcome hangover symptoms.

yoga pose

Wellness Drip

Similar to the well-known Myer’s cocktail but with adjustments made to include more components and at higher doses to further promote general wellness and have you feeling better..

healthy skin and nails

Skin & Nails Drip

Not only feel your best but look your best. Full array of age defying ingredients to help rejuvenate skin and nails to their natural beauty. Prepare yourself to glow from the inside out!

tailor made

The Tailor Made

For the discerning individual seeking the ultimate health benefit! This package includes lab testing to determine different micronutrient levels which allows us to formulate custom-tailored drips to meet your individual needs.

Become a member and get 15% off select products and services sitewide!

*No contract, cancel anytime w/30 day notice

fit couple


NAD stands for Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and is an enzyme found in most cells in our bodies. Unfortunately, the supply of NAD decreases as we age and by restoring low levels it may help to improve energy production, neurologic and metabolic function.

Get started with MedLaVie today.